Welcome to my portfolio. Here are all my projects !

Experience on Tales Up

Tales Up is a mobile narrative multiplayer game from Périples Studio, awarded the “best mobile game” during the Pegases 2023. During my 6 months internship, I could help the narrative and design team, and then design and write my own story.
I worked mainly as a Writer, narrative designer, and system designer.


Experience on Sclash


Sclash is a new Indie fighting game from Bevel Bakery for PC and consoles. It started as a student final project and ended as a commercial project. It’s published by Just For Games. Sclash wins the public prize of the Stunfest 2022.
I worked mostly as a System designer, writer, and narrative designer.


Overdue is an online coop party game made in 10 weeks for the “UBISOFT student Gamelab” contest. I worked with a team of 8 students where I was the only designer. Overdue was nominated in different categories.
I worked mainly as a Game designer, level designer, and narrative designer.


Experience on Demons of Asteborg


Demons of Asteborg is a new platformer Metroidvania from Neofid Technology for Megadrive, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.
I worked mainly as a Game and Level Designer.


Personal project AdventureCard


Adventure Card is an adventure RPG card game made by two students available on itch.io (alpha).
I worked as a game and narrative designer.


Personal project Synopse


Synopse is an RPG narrative game made by students available on itch.io.

I worked mostly as a game and narrative designer.


Final year project Break Punch


Break Punch is a competitive Brawler game and a Party game made by students available on itch.io.

I worked mostly as a combat and system designer.


Personal project Neon Beat


Neon Beat is a twin stick shooter made on Unreal engine 4 to train myself on the development with Unreal engine. it’s available on itch.io.
I worked as Game designer and Game developper.


Personal project Neo Vigrid


Neo Vigrid is a boardgame (and also a PC simulation of the boargame) made by five students and available on itch.io. It’s playtestable during some events or conventions (physical version).
I worked mostly as Level and Game designer.


Personal Projects on Level design


Alone or in teams, I worked on levels design from the layout to the blockmesh and prototype. Here are some examples with pdf intention and Unreal blockmesh.


Personal Games Lectures and Analysis


As a game and level designer, I analyze games and I learn about design every day. Here are some pdf of lectures and analyses I wrote.


Level Art


As a Level designer, I worked also on Level Art on Unreal, Unity, and also on a Private Engine.


Game Artwork


During my work or my spare time, I was able to work on 2D & 3D concept art, assets, or illustrations, here are some of them.